学生及家长守则Guidelines for Students and Parents
学生守则 学生须遵守学校的安全纪律:自觉在学校规定的区域活动,不得做爬墙,爬高等危险动作,不听劝告者如发生意外,责任自负。 如遇火警警报: 如果是上课时间,学生需跟随老师在大操场集合 如果是课休时间,学生需自主到操场找到任课老师,由任课老师清点人数。之后学生需听从老师的...
You can learn about our curriculums
The course includes Chinese Classes for both kids and adults, dancing classes, singing class, and Go game class
Detail please enquire by email
Commence from 13:30 - 15:30
$240 (2 terms)
Commence from 13:30 - 15:30
$340 (2 terms) (Subject to 6 or more students)
Commence from 11:30 – 13:00
$280 (2 terms) plus ($30 material Packaged fees ) (Subject to 6 or more students)
Commence from 15:45 - 17:15
$280 (2 terms) Plus ($30 material Packaged fees)
(Subject to 6 or more students)